Monday, March 19, 2012

Can This Bring Long-Term Prespective? - Football365's article on Fabrice Muamba

"Saturday night. We were all shocked.

As the news about Fabrice Muamba's condition broke, it was a natural reaction for many people to say how this situation really 'puts everything into perspective'; that in the face of such an awful thing, football and all its business simply does not matter. And they were right. Here was a matter of life and death; there is no bigger, more profound struggle...

...If Fabrice Muamba's collapse did really 'put things into perspective' and if those words are profoundly felt, all these problems could evaporate. They do not need to exist. A better world is possible.
Perhaps we need a graphic reminder that we are all human and that more unites us than divides us. And if Saturday's events illustrated anything, it was precisely that. After a season of, at times, bitter rancour let's hope this moment of darkness ends up illuminating a new path."
- From Football 365 "Can This Bring Long Term Perspective"?

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