Friday, June 1, 2012

The relationship between markets and morality- Os Guinness

What, then, is the relationship between markets and morality?
Unless capitalism has an ethical boundary, it will always create two problems. One is the problem of insatiability, never knowing when to stop, always wanting just a little more. The other problem—you can see this very clearly in America today—is commodification. The good society draws a line between what is and what is not for sale, but, in modern America, almost everything is up for sale, including much that should not be. We need powerful faith with strong ethics and knowledge of what is legitimate to buy and sell—that’s the market at its best—but certain things are not for buying and not for selling, and we should know why.
- Os Guinness, the great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness (founder of the Guinness brewery)

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